Reusing Paper Bags for Mask Storage
Mask Stored in a Paper Bag Reusing paper bags isn’t a new practice - but as we…
Planning Ahead is Your Best Bet
If 2020 has taught us anything so far it's that we should expect the…
2# SOS Bags - New and Improved!
WCI is pleased to announce new and improved print capabilities for custom…
A Look at 2020 Packaging Trends
It's January and that means we're all looking forward to what the New Year will…
New! Stock Printed Pharmacy Bags
For pharmacies and healthcare providers seeking to brand their business without…
On the Rise: Paper Bread Bags
Artisan bakers make breads that are unique and special - we think their…
Spot Color vs Full Color Printing: What's the Difference?
As a manufacturer and printer of custom paper bags, we are often asked about…
Cheers! New Wine Bag Size Now Available
We are pleased to announce the addition of a 5 x 2 x 18 wine bag to our…
Measuring Ink Coverage: Distributor Tip
Printed paper bags are priced based on the amount of ink coverage on the bag,…