Paper Silverware Bags

Paper Silverware Bags – Keeping Silverware Clean and Safe Before it was Cool As…

Why Buy American?

According to Consumer Reports, 80% of Americans prefer to buy American made…

Reusing Paper Bags for Mask Storage

Mask Stored in a Paper Bag Reusing paper bags isn’t a new practice - but as we…

Damaged Packaging

Freight Claims & Damaged Goods Policy

It happens. Shipments making their way across the country arrive with some wear…

Paper Bags for PPE Storage

Paper Bags to the Rescue! Ok, maybe paper bags aren’t superheroes. But they’re…

Planning Ahead is Your Best Bet

If 2020 has taught us anything so far it's that we should expect the…

World Health Day

April 7 marks World Health Day, which this year takes on special meaning while…

Takeout Bag

Restaurant To-Go and Carryout Bags

As restaurants struggle to remain open during Covid-19 restrictions, take-out…

Covid-19 Production & Shipping Policies

Thank you for your continued business as we maneuver through these…

2# SOS Bags - New and Improved!

WCI is pleased to announce new and improved print capabilities for custom…